Board of Directors Approved January 9, 2003
December 3, 2002
Present: Koch, Anthony, Gemmer, Fell, Olsen, French, Justus, Brooks,
Bardizbanian, Varady, Frisbie, Capozzo, Sottana
Newly Elected: Steiner, Hughes
Ex-Officio: Chesarek
Guest: Ray Story, Green Supt.
The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m.Minutes of November 7, 2002
Anthony motioned to approve, French seconded. The motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
Golf Course Drawings - Plan #1
Story presented the preliminary design plan for green #1 which will remain
as a par 5, and plans to rebuild #8 green. Ray will work on #1 and #8 at the
same time as trucks will be on the course. The fairway traps on #1, #8 and
#12 will be done "in-house" and are not a part of the contract.
Rebuilding #12 green is not included in the contract as work will be done
at a later time. Anthony motioned to accept the preliminary plans as provided
to improve #1 green and #8 green. Olsen seconded. The motion carried 5Y /
Tennis Observation Deck
Estimated costs for repairs and permits for the observation deck is $27,000.
The repaired deck will be detachable from the Tennis building so not to interfere
with the new Long Range Plans for the Tennis facility. The committee is negotiating
with the contractor, Lillis Architect and a structural engineer regarding
the scope of work needed to be accomplished for the deck to be structurally
secure allowing Lillis to sign off on the plans. Varady presented Lillis'
2001(?) drawings and motioned to have the designated funds available from
the 2000 CIF to repair the deck. The motion failed due to lack of a second.
The Board requested that the actual building plans, permits and construction
costs for the repairs be presented to the Board.
French motioned up to $3,000 to move forward with the repair plans to the
deck. The $3,000 is part of the Board approved maximum $30,000. Varady seconded,
the motion failed.
Olsen motioned to resend the November 2002 original motion of funds for the
tennis observation deck and that the funds ($20,000) up to a maximum $30,000
are to be made available from the 2000 emergency assessment designated for
repairs and dry rot work to the observation deck. The additional funds to
come from the 2003 C.I.F budget. Bardizbanian seconded. The motion carried.
This approval is subject to Board approval of the tennis plans.
Membership Sales & Notations
Prospective Members: Marlys Bergstrom and Bret & Emita Hunter.
Bardizbanian motioned to approve applicants for membership, French seconded.
The motion carried.
Prospective Member Howard & Tamara Horrocks: The Horrock's are prior members
of GVCC who paid their 1998 construction dues in full. They sold in 2000.
They would like to re-join the Club and are requesting that the Board waive
the 1998 construction dues and re-issue their original proprietary membership
number should they be approved for membership. Bardizbanian motioned to approve
re-issuing their original membership number and acknowledges that they have
paid the 1998 construction dues in full. Anthony seconded, the motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Anne Gemmer, Secretary